Affinity & Association Groups

Affinity & Association Groups

The Crestway Group provides insurance, financial and risk management services to members of Affinity organizations such as Associations, Alumni Groups, Trade Groups, Clubs, Schools, Non-Profits, and more.

Leveraging our Partnership Alliances,  we are dedicated to providing best in class coverage, education, advocacy and advice that sparks business growth and supports the mission of our clients through multi-channel sales, marketing and administration to deliver quantified value to association members.

The Crestway Group can enhance the value of organization membership by helping associations attract and retain members by providing:

Best-in-class Member Benefit Programs – Leading insurance, employee benefits, and professional liability coverage including, but not limited to, home and auto insurance, health, long term care, group disability, and business interruption with proprietary discounts and features available only to association members.

Risk Management & Financial Wellness Tools – Educational programs and tools to educate association members on risk management and financial wellness and to increase the value of membership.

Member Service and Advocacy – Dedicated customer service for members including advocacy with insurance companies, and full service administration, reporting and analysis for clients.

Affinity-Based Strategic Marketing – Comprehensive marketing to promote programs to association members that use both traditional and new media channels.

Member Data Enrichment and Intelligence – We seek to understand our clients’ constituents on an individual level and to provide insight and intelligence to our clients about their members.

Why The Crestway Group

The Crestway Group works with organizations and groups like yours to create all-encompassing, innovative insurance solutions that are exclusive to their individual groups. We excel at custom-tailoring plans that provide the best protection and rates for your members, while helping you create a benefit for membership recruitment. Contact a team member in Affinity Group to see how the Crestway Group can achieve your goals.