Nonprofit Organization Solutions

Nonprofit Insurance Solutions

Nonprofit organizations and their leaders juggle enormous and varied responsibilities each day from managing tight budgets to engaging volunteers and donors to fulfilling the organization’s mission. Since many nonprofits are singularly focused on a particular cause organizations often neglect to identify and protect against risks that could leave the organization and its board members and officers exposed.

Just as any business or organization have risks associated with employees, board members, data or fraud nonprofit organizations of all sizes are not immune. Claims and threats of litigation can be from vendors, donors, competitors, employees and even government regulators. In fact nonprofit organizations file twice as many D&O claims than public and private companies with 85% of claims filed being employment related. Every nonprofit organization is at risk of a data breach as they keep and maintain donor financial files, employee records, client data, and even volunteer data as well as protecting property, equipment and other types of essential c overages.

Why Crestway

The Crestway Group works with our Partner Alliances to craft nonprofit insurance solutions with the flexibility to respond to standalone coverage needs or as one seamless policy suite of overages.  Our insurance solutions for nonprofits offer a diverse range of c overages that can protect against management liability risks including exposures faced by directors, officers, managers, and business entities that arise from governance, finance, benefits, cyber crime and management activities.  Please contact a team member of our Industrial Lines Division – Public Sector for more information we will be happy to assist your organization.